One quick fix for any interview you will ever do…

In today’s world, we’ve got lots of advice out there about how to nail job interviews. They cover everything from questions you might get asked to different ways interviews can go down.

But, this isn’t another one of those guides telling you the same old stuff you’ve heard a million times before. No, we’re here to talk about something that can boost your chances in any interview, no matter what job you’re going for or how nervous you might feel.

And guess what? You don’t need to cram in more study time or rehearse until you’re blue in the face. It’s actually pretty simple.

So, why bother reading on?

Well, even though what we’re about to talk about might seem basic, it’s actually super important. Here’s why you should stick around:

  • This one thing is seen as both a disciplined skill and a strength.
  • According to research, 4 in 10 employers would reject a candidate if they don’t bring this into their interviews.
  • Even if you have close to identical experience to someone, if they have more of this than you, you can lose.
  • Interview feedback is consistent and the absence of this one thing is the most common reason we hear as to why someone qualified for a role was unsuccessful.
  • The presence of this can sometimes give you access to an opportunity you may not have all of the prerequisites for.

So, what is this one thing?

If you’ve guessed by now that this one thing is enthusiasm – congratulations! If not, don’t worry, this article will help you even more.

How exactly is enthusiasm defined?

Let’s break it down. Enthusiasm basically means you’re really excited and interested in something and you want to get involved in it.

Here’s how some dictionaries put it:

Oxford English Dictionary says it’s “a strong feeling of excitement and interest in something and a desire to become involved in it”. Cambridge Dictionary says it’s “a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and an eagerness to be involved in it”.” Collins Dictionary says it’s “being really eager to be part of something you like or think is important.”

Now, here’s the kicker: all those examples they give are about work stuff. So, it’s clear that enthusiasm and work go hand in hand.

That’s why it’s crucial to bring your enthusiasm to every single interview.

How can I bring enthusiasm to an interview?

Some simple ways you can do this (while still being true to yourself) are:

  1. When talking through your experience…relate this to your ‘why’ you are interviewing for this particular role/with this particular company. E.g.: As you can see from my CV, in my most recent role I have been part of a large implementation project and this was when I felt most excitement about the work I was doing – when I saw you were doing something similar, I felt compelled to learn more and see if this is something, I could get involved in…
  2. Choose examples you’re proud of and own these…Whether you solved a particularly challenging problem or built a macro to save you or your team 2 hours per week on a task or led the initiative for your office to go paper-free or to ‘go green’, your involvement in something you’re proud of will mean that your passion will come across more naturally and you will have more enthusiasm and energy when speaking about them.
  3. Ask questions throughout. Show you’re engaged…If you give an example of how you do something/how you solved a problem – ask them about their processes, ask them how they got around a problem – this shows interest and also shows that you’re keen to understand their business.
  4. Use positive language and feeling words…Using words like passionate, inspired, compelled, proud of, excited about, energised by, motivated by, curious about…etc. there are words that will suit your natural communication style so putting a little bit of thought into this is time well-spent.
  5. Ask the interviewer about the company and their own experience working there. 
  6. Highlight during the meeting anything you saw/read/heard about the company that captured your interest. 
  7. Reiterate your interest in the role at the end of the meeting. This is the perfect time to inject a final bit of energy and enthusiasm into your interview. Thank the interviewers for their time, mention one or two/or even more things that are key highlights for you and let them know that you’d be delighted to be considered for the opportunity.

So, there it is, one simple, quick fix for every interview that is guaranteed to get positive results.

Enthusiasm. It really is that simple!

About Tara

Tara Higgins is the Business Support & Operational Finance Partner with Barden Munster.

She is the go-to person in Barden for Operational Finance (AP, AR and Payroll- all levels), Business Support (Administration, Executive Assistants, Office Managers), Human Resources and Talent Acquisition (All Levels) and Data Analytics Recruitment.

Tara is one of Ireland’s leading talent advisory and recruitment experts supporting professional identify and map out their future career path, and partnering with clients to build world class teams.

Get in touch with Tara via email or LinkedIn.

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