Welcome to the Hiring Guide, the latest in the series of expert guides from the teams at Accountancy Ireland and Barden. As a senior member of the Chartered Accountant community, you will be well aware that your success hinges to a large degree on the calibre of talent that you’re able to attract and retain. In today’s market, the candidate is in the driving seat thanks to a lack of quality candidates coupled with fierce competition once they enter the recruitment marketplace. One could also argue that even in the midst of a depression, the market will ultimately be candidate-driven because it’s the candidate who will ultimately decide if they wish to work with you, or not. You trained as a Chartered Accountant and your education and experience gives you unparalleled credibility in your role in finance. However, you aren’t trained in recruitment. This guide will help you bridge that knowledge gap and become an expert in an area that is much more important to your future than many people realise – the area of talent attraction, management and retention.
- Publications
The Hiring Manager’s Guide
What separates the average hiring manager from the talent magnets? This Hiring Guide has the answer.
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