A Guide to Interview Prep for Recently Qualified Accountants…Webinar  

A Guide to Interview Prep for Recently Qualified Accountants…Webinar  Blog Image

You only have 7 seconds to make a good first impression. Fact. 

On average 120 people apply for a single job opportunity. Fact. 

50% of candidates fail the interview because they didn’t have enough information about the company. Fact. 

 Job interviews are tricky. Fact.  

 Your success depends on a combination of factors. Fact. 

The saying If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” rings true.  Or in the case of interviews if you fail to prep then failure is inevitable.  

So how can you best prepare for interviews? What are the struggles our expert team of recruiters see recently qualified accountants facing when it comes to interview prep? And, how can you nail your interviews each and every time? 

Find the answers by… 

Joining the next edition of the CASSI & Barden webinar series for recently qualified accountants where we will provide you with THE best guide to interview prep.  

Key Event Details 

Title: A Guide to Interview Prep for Recently Qualified Accountants 

Date: Thursday 5th May 2022 

Time: 1.00pm-2.00pm 

Venue: Zoom 

Cost: FOC 


  • Brian O’Connor ACA | Senior Associate | Expert in Recently Qualified Accounting Careers | Barden Dublin 
  • Jonathan Olden | Managing Partner | Barden Munster 
  • Marissa Maher | Team Lead | Expert in Recently Qualified Accounting Careers | Barden Cork 

To Book:Click here 



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