Data Analytics Talent Monitor Q4 2024…by Barden

If you’re hiring a data analytics professional this quarter, here are some things you need to know…

The demand for Data Analytics professionals in Ireland is experiencing exponential growth. Companies, ranging from startups to multinational corporations, rely on data-driven insights for strategic planning and understanding customer behaviour. As companies evolve, so do their needs, and this extends to the requirements of their customers. With the emergence of advanced technologies, organisations are leveraging AI, machine learning, and big data analytics to gain deeper insights from their data.  The demand for analytics talent is not going anywhere and attracting/retaining analytics talent will continue to be a challenge, both now and into the future.

#1 The Analytics profession – a definition

Different companies call different roles by different titles.  That can make things confusing as job specs meet talent in the market.  This is only exasperated as oftentimes companies themselves do not know exactly what skill sets they need as they go to market.  A common nomenclature can be very helpful in clarifying what talent can actually do, what companies actually want done, and where they overlap.  So we’ve gone to the trouble of creating a common definition of the key roles that exist in the analytics profession; just for you:

Oh – we also included the common salary ranges by title for you – thought that might be interesting to know.

#2 Data Analytics Talent Availability

Here are some data points about the Data Analytics talent pool in Ireland this quarter. The estimated number of talent available per role for Q4 2024 was undeterminable based on data available at the time of publication:

 #3 What smart companies are doing to try and attract top analytics talent

  • Tech stack matters: analytics professionals want to know they will be getting exposure to the latest tools.  If you’re not investing in your tech stack then you’ll find it hard to engage and retain good people.
  • Flexibility is a given:  hybrid is here to stay and analytics professionals have gotten used to flexibility.  The nature of the work itself lends towards working in isolation at times.  If you’re not flexible your external talent pool will reduce dramatically.
  • The hiring process matters:  analytics talent have options out there – the more accessible, engaging and fluid your recruitment process the more likely you are to be able to win top talent.  Good communication through the recruitment process can be the difference between an offer accepted and an offer declined.
  • Emergent tech: if you are not aware of and planning for emerging tools you’re going to be behind the others.  For example, Microsoft Fabric is coming fast.  Is it a part of your conversations around the water cooler or in the board room?  If not it should be.

In Barden, we understand that each team, role, and requirement is unique. If you’re interested in exploring which approaches would be best suited for you & your organisation, please feel free to contact Dan Hoctor our Analytics Talent Advisory & Recruitment expert here in Barden (; We’re where leaders go before, they start looking for Analytics talent.


This information is accurate as per October 2024 and will be updated periodically. Data sources include Barden Proprietary Data, LinkedIn Analytics, and other 3rd party data sources.  If you have a request and would like real-time information to inform your hiring decisions contact Dan Hoctor at

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