Do you jump out of bed on a Monday morning, excited for the working week?

Do you jump out of bed on a Monday morning, excited for the working week (2)

Don’t worry, I usually don’t either.

However, there is a big difference between not being excited to jump out of bed on a Monday vs dreading the work week (does the Sunday Fear sound familiar?)

If you face the Sunday Fear on a regular basis it might be a good time to stop, reflect and re-evaluate a few things. Here I share some top tips to re-evaluating your current role and identify the changes you might want to make

As humans we tend to spend the majority of our lives working and strive to find that one job that makes us happy and leaves us feeling fulfilled at the end of each day.

Happiness and fulfilment in the working world have a different meaning for everyone – for some that’s a small workload in a job where you can clock off at 5pm each day, for others it’s the opportunity to get involved in strategic fast paced projects often resulting in some late nights.

Securing a new role is exciting and your career potential in this new role will often seem limitless. However, naturally, over time this spark will extinguish and we may find ourselves finding more negatives than positives about our current role.

If you experience the Sunday Fear, maybe it’s a good time to re-evaluate your current role and assess any potential changes that you could make to reignite that initial spark…

Educate yourself – pursue a part time Masters or Higher Diploma, and if it’s relevant to your role it may be funded by your employer while also opening up doors for you in the business upon completion.

Learn a new skill or brush up on old ones – now might be the right time to take that Excel refresher course you have always talked about?

Chat with your manager – is there any scope to get involved in upcoming projects or take on additional duties?

Internal opportunities – if you really are unhappy in your role, is there any internal move that would be appealing to you before commencing the external job search?

A small change can make a huge difference #foodforthought.

If you’re considering a change but would like to talk it through before you move, drop me an email to and I’ll take it from there. Simple.

A little bit about Aoibhín…

Aoibhín Byrne is a UCC graduate and holds a Bachelor of Commerce with French. In 2016 she joined KPMG Ireland where she trained and worked as a Tax Associate and was involved in the provision of corporate tax and advisory services to MNC’s across a variety of industries. Aoibhín is a Senior Associate with Barden. She joined the Barden team in 2019 and is an expert in recently qualified tax, practice an treasury careers.

At Barden we invest our resources to bring you the very best insights on all things to do with your professional future. Got a topic you would like us to research? Got an insight you would like us to share with our audience? Drop us a note to and we will take it from there. Easy.