Meet Your Recently Qualified Accountants Team in Munster

Barden’s Recently Qualified Accountants Team (who are qualified accountants, just like you) are here to help you make your very best first step as a qualified accountant.

Below you’ll find out more about each of the team. Drop a quick email to one of our team and they’ll take it from there…

Siobhán Sexton ACA | Business Lead | Recently Qualified Accountants | Barden Munster

Siobhán Sexton ACA is the Business Lead of the Recently Qualified Accountants division of Barden’s talent advisory and recruitment firm in Munster.

Siobhán began her career by training with KPMG’s tax department, achieving her ACA qualification in 2017. Following her time at KPMG, she transitioned into the realm of recruitment, joining Barden’s Recently Qualified Accountants team in Dublin in March 2017.

In July 2018, her career took an adventurous turn when she embarked on an 18-month sabbatical to work and live in Canada, where she gained invaluable international recruitment experience and also did some travelling in South East Asia and South America. Upon her return to Ireland in April 2020, Siobhán rejoined the Barden team, this time in Munster, where she has since progressed to the position of Business Lead, supporting recently qualified accountants.

Connect with Siobhán at or via LinkedIn.

Simon Cogan FCA | Consultant | Recently Qualified Accountants | Barden Munster

Simon Cogan FCA is a consultant in the Recently Qualified Accountants division of Barden’s talent advisory and recruitment firm in Munster.

Following the successful completion of his training contract with EY, Simon spent the next 15 years building his career in finance. Throughout his journey, Simon has garnered extensive experience across various organisations and industries, assuming pivotal positions such as Finance Director and Head of Finance. His diverse exposure has equipped him with a profound understanding of different finance functions and roles.

In August 2023, Simon joined the Barden team, where he adeptly leverages his wealth of finance knowledge to guide and support professionals in navigating their career trajectories.

Connect with Simon on LinkedIn or at

Aideen Murphy ACA CTA | Partner | Tax & Practice | Barden Munster

Aideen Murphy is a Partner within the accounting and tax talent advisory and recruitment practice in Munster, leading the Tax and Practice area of the business.

She trained through a Big 4 firm, qualifying as an accountant, and further went on to study tax, in which she qualified in in 2012. Aideen spent a number of years, post qualification, working in both practice and industry before moving to recruitment in 2015.

Aideen is a subject matter expert in tax and accounting careers, is an active member of the Women in Tax in Ireland (WiTii) committee and regularly contributes to publications on the tax profession. Aideen advise leadership teams within Accounting Firms along with CFOs and tax leadership teams in Munster on attracting and retaining world class teams.

Connect with Aideen on LinkedIn or at

Get in Touch With Us

Barden is where recently qualified accountants go before they start looking for a job.

When you meet Barden you will be meeting Ireland’s most experienced financial recruitment and talent advisory team, many of whom are themselves accounting and tax qualified.

Your future is too important to leave to chance. Take control, get informed and plan your professional future with Barden. Drop us an email at and we’ll get in touch to arrange a time and date that suits you to start planning your professional future.

At Barden we invest our resources to bring you the very best insights on all things to do with your professional future. Got a topic you would like us to research? Got an insight you would like us to share with our audience? Drop us a note to and we will take it from there. Easy.