Meeting The Barden Team…Caroline Frawley

Caroline Frawley ACA is a Chartered Accountant who joined the Barden team in 2021. She works directly with the Mid-Senior Accounting Team to support accounting professionals in Cork and Munster. We recently sat down with Caroline to learn a little bit more about her…

Where are you from? 

Cork born and bred.

Where did you study?  

I went to UCC where I studied Commerce & Spanish and was lucky enough to spend a year studying in Granada, Spain.

What did you enjoy most about your time studying?

Apart from the amazing social life in UCC, I got the opportunity to spend an Erasmus year studying in the University of Granada in Spain. It was a great way to improve my language skills, get exposure to a new culture, as well as travel the country.

How old were you when you had your first paying job? And what was it? 

I had lots of jobs as a young teenager and from babysitting neighbour’s kids to a waitress in the RCYC in Crosshaven. I loved earning my own pocket money from an early age which normally funded my love of fashion.

Where did you work before joining Barden?

I was the Financial Controller of an SME, a family run business that has been in Cork for over 40 years. I worked In Sydney before that for 9 years across a variety of finance roles in financial services.

What made you decide to move into the world of recruitment? 

Jonathan Olden and Sarah Barry. I met them for coffee 3 years ago after I moved back from Australia. I left the meeting that day saying “these are the type of people I would like to work with”.

Why did you choose to work with Barden? 

I can hand on my heart say it was all about the people. All my interactions with Barden as a candidate were so positive. When you are making the giant leap of leaving a career in finance after many years it has to be for a good reason. And for me it was about working with great people.

What’s the best thing about working here? 

As well as working with a great team, I love getting the opportunity to meet people and help them on their journey of finding their next role.

What was most surprising to you about Barden? 

Recruitment isn’t easy 🙂 I think there might be a perception out there that recruitment is as easy as matching people with a role but there is so much more involved than that.

What does your role in Barden involve?

It involves building relationships with candidates and giving them guidance on their next career move. Sometimes that involves introducing them to some of the clients we are currently working with. Other times it involves educating them on what is going on in the market or giving a steer in relation to their current role.

What top tip would you give to those looking to change role?

Do your homework on what is important to you in your next role, whether that’s salary, location, the type or size of company you would like to work in, the type people to you would like to work with etc. and use that list as your starting point. Obviously, if you haven’t already, building a good relationship with one or two recruiters would be the next step in the process.

What three words best describe you? 

Loyal, kind and fun.

Who is your role model, and why?

In the last couple of years my role model is an Irish life and wellness coach called Denise Kenny Byrne (business owner of the Head Plan). She is a huge promoter of manifestation, she believes in writing things down and making them happen through daily journaling. Her productivity journal was a huge help to me over the last 2 years particularly during the pandemic, for setting goals, for keeping me focussed and accountable for reaching my goals.

Is there an achievement or contribution that you are most proud of? 

My 3 beautiful children and a particular shout out to my eldest son Harry who has autism. Life isn’t as easy for him when it comes to language, socialising, and certain daily activities which most people would take for granted that cause a lot of stress for him. I’ve watched him overcome so many hurdles over the last 7 years and every milestone he reaches or new word/phrase he says is like winning the lotto for us as a family.

Have you a favourite saying or quote? What is it?  

Write it down, make it happen.

Glass half full or half empty? 


What’s your favourite book?

The Secret – I’m all about the manifesting

Where in the world would you most like to visit?

I’m very boring but I would love to go back to Sydney when my children are old enough not to require too much minding on a 24-hour trip 🙂 I would go back to all the old spots I loved to go to in the 9 years I spent there.

Is there any question I should have asked you but didn’t?  

Nope 🙂

And finally, who would win a fight between Spiderman, Batman or Wonder Woman? 

Wonder Woman, girl power all the way.

A little bit more about Caroline…

Caroline Frawley ACA is a Chartered Accountant who joined the Barden team in 2021. She works directly with the Mid-Senior Accounting Team to support accounting professionals in Cork and Munster. Before joining Barden Caroline held the role of Financial Controller with Hennessy Hair & Beauty. Prior to this she held senior and managerial roles in Westpac (Australia) and JPA Benson Lawlor (Dublin). Caroline holds a bachelor of commerce European (Spanish) from University College Cork (UCC).

Caroline’s extensive PQE across industry and financial services is invaluable when it comes to advising and supporting the accounting community in Munster. 

Contact Caroline at or via LinkedIn.

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