Newly Qualified Accountant Base Salary Averages 2018 – 2024…. by Barden

In Barden we’ve been tracking data around newly qualified base salaries for years now, and thought it would interesting to look at the trends over time; so that’s what we did.

Speaks for itself really…

We left out 2021 for obvious reasons.  Looks like base salaries are beginning to stabilise after a period of incredible growth.  Good news for employers when it comes to setting budgets and good news for newly qualified accountants because, in a stable market, with data from a reliable source, you can trust that you are being fairly compensated for the value of your time.

If you’re curious and want to know more contact Niall O’Keeffe ( for Leinster or Siobhán Sexton ( for Munster and they will take it from there.  Simple.





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