Not looking to move jobs at the moment? Then this is worth a read…

Not looking to move jobs at the moment Then this is worth a read… (1)

what are the biggest factors preventing professionals from making a move (1)

While it’s no secret that the demand for talent is at an all-time high right now, however here Aoibhín Byrne, Senior Associate with Barden, and expert recruiter in recently qualified tax, audit, advisory and treasury careers, asks what are the biggest factors preventing professionals from making a move?

In an effort to make this as accurate and factual as possible, we decided to reach out to various professionals to hear what their top reasons were for staying put in their current role, and to bring you THE best data based facts. .

#1 Job Security

For the majority, job security was the biggest factor with 37% of professionals choosing this reason.

Between heading into the Christmas season, the recent dramatic rise in inflation and many looking to get on the housing ladder, a secure and stable income is at the forefront of professional’s minds.

But making a move doesn’t necessarily have to affect job stability – of course, joining a new and unfamiliar company can be a daunting prospect and having a lengthy probation period is a risk, but it shouldn’t be a reason to not consider your options. There are plenty of ways to reduce the risk involved and ensure the move doesn’t affect your income stability – use the interview as an opportunity to learn about the company and its future prospects. It also may be worth asking if the probation period is negotiable?

#2 Starting a Job Remotely

Unsurprisingly a remote start came in second with 29% of professionals not comfortable starting a job remotely at home.

The concept of remote working was on the wish list of many professionals pre-2019, however, as soon as that wish was granted, many professionals had a change of heart. At the moment we are finding that the ideal scenario is a hybrid working policy – offering the opportunity to attend the office 2/3 days per week while allowing remote work for the remainder of the week.

Some professionals are keen to get back to the office five days a week but it really depends on personal circumstances. There isn’t a quick fix to the issue of starting a job remotely but many companies have developed a comprehensive onboarding strategy to ensure a smooth transition, plus there is no harm in meeting your work colleagues for a socially distanced coffee! Remote working is only a temporary plan for many companies and a regular return to the office is imminent.

#3 Career Progression

For 18% of professionals, they are worried about a move affecting their career progression. Progression, a concept that many professionals strive for in their careers. But what does progression mean to you?

Previously, this was associated with “climbing the ladder” which traditionally was associated with rewarding those who hung around the longest. Today, the concept of career progression is typically no longer awarded to those who hang around the longest but instead to those who add most value and contribute most to the business growth and strategy. Making a move will not only broaden your horizons and help you gain more varied experience, but it will also offer you the opportunity to work with different leaders which in turn will help shape you as a professional.

And then there’s the question of the year-end bonus…

The minority of professionals are looking to stay put so they can receive their year-end bonus – there isn’t much we can say about this, we would probably do the same!

But if that is the only thing keeping you in your current role, have you considered the possibility of asking for a sign on bonus if you were to make a move to make up for the lost income?

Making a move right now, is it a risk worth taking? That’s up to you to decide… but there is definitely no risk in exploring your options, and believe us there are LOTS of options and opportunities out there right now!

About Aoibhín

Aoibhín Byrne is a Senior Associate with Barden, and expert recruiter in recently qualified tax, audit, advisory and treasury careers with our team in Dublin.

If you are considering your career options, or looking to build your team get in touch with Aoibhín via email or LinkedIn.

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