Taking interview preparation for FS professionals to a whole new level…

95% of financial services professionals we spoke with did better (and felt better!) at interview because they prepared the Barden Way. The other 5% were just naturals!

Prepare properly for an interview and you will perform better at interview. Fact.

Perform better at interview and you will have a better chance of getting offered the job you want. Fact.

Interviews for financial services roles are just different. Yes you need to know how to answer competency-based questions; yes you need to know what the company does and; yes you need to have some questions prepared. That’s the vanilla stuff. But as a financial services professional you also need to know:

  • What examples are best for financial services STAR/competency based answers?
  • What should I research and how much should I research before the interview?
  • What should I look out for on the website / financial services news from sources like Bloomberg or Reuters?
  • How do I speak about my experience to make sure the Director/Manager sees the relevance?
  • How do I make sure that I don’t bore the HR person with too much detail?
  • What specific technical or analytical elements are relevant to this company/industry? How do I figure that out?
  • What jurisdictions does this role work with and what are some of the key nuances to look out for?

….and these are only some of the things you need to know and at Barden we will help you prepare for.

Take part in an interview with Barden coaching and you will have a competitive advantage. In Barden you will get 1:1 interview coaching by financial services professionals for financial services professionals. With Barden interview advice you will have an edge on your competition. Easy.


We’re the experts in financial services recruitment in Ireland: From our offices in Dublin and Cork we work on financial services jobs at all levels, partnering with FS talent and world-class FS teams nationally.  If you’re a financial services professional seeking opportunity or an FS leader looking to attract new talent, our experts can help. So get in touch with our team today on hello@barden.ieSimple.

At Barden we invest our resources to bring you the very best insights on all things to do with your professional future. Got a topic you would like us to research? Got an insight you would like us to share with our audience? Drop us a note to hello@barden.ie and we will take it from there. Easy.