Why I Moved From Big 4 to Recruitment…by Lisa Hughes

Why I Moved From Big 4 to Recruitment...by Lisa Hughes

In 2016 I finished up with KPMG after 4 great years in audit. I had worked with some wonderful people in KPMG, but after finishing my training contract I knew it was time for me to move to something new.

My friends were thinking the same, some moving to different departments in practice and others to accounting roles in industry, but I was not really convinced that was what I wanted.

I was at a bit of a crossroads – not wanting my accounting qualification (and years of hard work!) to go to waste, but at the same time knowing that working as an accountant did not feel right for me. I loved the project and people part of my time in KPMG, above all else. I knew I wanted something a little different for my future.

In my search, some of my good friends recommended a couple of recruiters to me but there was one common theme emerging, which brought me to a meeting with Barden. I’m not just saying it (really I’m not!) but my first experience with the team in Barden was the opposite of what I had expected – consultative, informative, insightful and reassuring. I met with Barden and they saw something in me. They asked whether I had ever considered recruitment as a career. An opportunity to use my qualification but in a different way…..

That question changed my life and the rest is history. I joined the career advisory team in Barden two weeks later and in the end it was one of the easiest decisions I ever made.

Four years on and I can honestly say that Sunday night fear is a thing of the past! I never thought that I’d be lucky enough to work with such a dynamic group of people again, like I did in KPMG, but working in Barden has proven me wrong. Not only is there a lovely culture, but daily I meet intelligent, hard-working and career focused people and have the privilege of guiding them through some of the most challenging aspects of their job search in a supportive, consultative and caring way. Now I look forward to Mondays…well as much as anyone can!

My name is Lisa Hughes and I know what it’s like to wonder what opportunities are out there for someone who doesn’t necessarily want to be an accountant but who still wants to have exposure to the accounting world. For me, working in recruitment advisory in Barden has been the perfect solution to my professional dilemma……

If you’re experiencing something similar and are perhaps feeling discouraged by not knowing where you fit, do something about it and pick up the phone to Barden…..worst case you will get some great career advice and best case it might just change your life.

Drop me a line at lisa.hughes@barden.ie or call me on 0873200453 and I would be happy to talk you through my experience and give you the inside track on a career in recruitment.

At Barden we invest our resources to bring you the very best insights on all things to do with your professional future. Got a topic you would like us to research? Got an insight you would like us to share with our audience? Drop us a note to hello@barden.ie and we will take it from there. Easy.