Meeting the Barden Team…Conor Martin

Meeting the Barden Team...Conor Martin

Conor Martin ACA is an Associate at Barden, and an expert in recently qualified accounting careers.

A UCD grad, and qualified accountant, who’s first job was rifling through boxes of invoices on the kitchen floor for his father’s business, Conor joined in July 2019. We met with him recently to find out a bit more about him…

Where are you from?

Cabinteely, South Dublin!

Where did you study?

I went to UCD in 2006 and studied a degree in Business and Law.

What did you enjoy most about your time studying?  

The longer summer holidays!!!

How old were you when you had your first paying job? And what was it?

My first job, although I wasn’t always paid for it, was working for my Dad, from a very early age.

He had a packaging company and it was all hands on deck.

On a regular basis I had the lovely job of admin, rifling through boxes of invoices on the kitchen floor.

I also worked at a few professional golf events from the age of 14.

Where did you work before joining Barden?

A ‘journeyman’ accountant I trained in PwC, then moved to ICONplc, Focus Capital and Bristol Meyers Squibb. It was great to get practical experience in different roles, environments and companies.

Is there an achievement or contribution that you are most proud of?

I have a few small achievements, but always feel like I have more to achieve.

What made you decide to move into the world of recruitment?

Having had a taste of commercial and fast paced work in Focus Capital, I knew this was something I enjoyed. Pair that with my interest in dealing with people, more than spreadsheets, and wanting to still utilise my ACA qualification, recruitment had always been in the back of my head. I was just waiting for the right time and place!

Why did you choose to work with Barden?

The people. 100% the people. Having seen first-hand as a candidate how they operate, and watching them grow, I knew it was an environment that would resonate with my own ideas of how I’d like to operate within the industry.

What’s the best thing about working here?

See note above 😊

What does your role in Barden involve?

My role focuses on recently qualified accounting professionals and supporting them in their careers.

Day to day it’s a fine balancing act of managing multiple stakeholders while ensuring everyone around me knows what’s going on and I know what’s going on with them too. Keeping everyone informed in a fast paced environment!

What three words best describe you?

Honest, open, easy going.

Who is your role model, and why?

My family. They are great people, who work very hard and are very supportive for a variety of different reasons.

Have you a favourite saying or quote?

I’ve a few that spring to mind…bit difficult to pick one!!

“You can sleep when you’re dead.”

“Paper won’t refuse ink.”

“Every day’s a school day.”

Glass half full or half empty?

Exactly half way – I am an accountant after all!!

What’s your favourite book / sport / movie / podcast?

  • Book – The Secret Race, Daniel Cole and Tyler Hamilton
  • Sport – Golf
  • Movie – The Big Short, Adam McKay
  • Podcast – No Laying Up

Where in the world would you most like to visit?

Bhutan and the Himalaya’s in general. I like hiking, I like the mountains, it seems like a magical and vast place and somewhere I’d like to visit.

And finally, who would win a fight between Spiderman, Batman or Wonder Woman?

Batman for sure!


Need help achieving your ambitions?

Are you a recently qualified accountant looking for help in achieving your ambitions? If so get in touch with Conor at who is ready with lots of CV, LinkedIn, interview and career advice along with cutting edge market insights.


At Barden we invest our resources to bring you the very best insights on all things to do with your professional future. Got a topic you would like us to research? Got an insight you would like us to share with our audience? Drop us a note to and we will take it from there. Easy.

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